Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Well Hello There

Welcome to my Blog! If you've found your way here you've either received a letter from me via Soldier's Angels or you've met me while I've been out and about.
I started a new blog simply because I wanted to share my many wonderful experiences with Soldier's Angels and I want to share all the wonderful responses I've received as well.
Now a little about me, my name is Leslie.I'm 27, I live in PA with my wonderful husband, our 5 year old little boy and our two year old Black Lab. I joined Soldier's Angels in late 2006 while my husband was serving in the US ARMY. He wasn't deployed at the time and I wanted to find a way to support and do my part. I like to cook, read, hang out with friends and family, movies, music TV, PS2, myspace, anything outdoors and NASCAR.
I hope that by sharing parts of my life on this blog that those far away from home will be able to have a peice of home to carry with them and know that people here at home support them and thier mission.

Love to you all,