Friday, July 3, 2009

Have a great one

Have a safe and happy 4th. Thank you to all of our great defnders of freedom past,present, and future.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's the little things

Today, I got some dreadful news, a friend of mine who's husband is deployed, he husband's unit lost 4 men. And as I got that news, I sat here going thru my mail from the mailbox. As I pondered how devastated those receiving the bad news would be and here I am sitting her helpless unable to provide any other words of comfort to my friend other than no news is good news and that I hoped she'd hear from her husband soon, I got the sweetest letter.
     It was from a young pilot stationed in Iraq whom I'd sent a Christmas card over the holidays. He was so thrilled to hear from someone at home. So, if all you hear in the media is wirds of hate, please remember that those over there fighting for us still need our support. As do the families of those that have paid the ulimate price.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Is Soldier's Angels?

Sure you might not be here on the front line, covered in filth, smelling like hell, your heart going a mile a minute, not knowing what's coming next: if your next step is on that TRP, or if your going to be the latest recruiting tool for some insurgent's new video while they take pot shots at you. But, what you all do with those cards, care packages, cookies is just as important...

When I get a box (or anyone else gets a box) its hard to describe. You find a nice quiet corner and everyone knows not to bother you. You sit there and look over the box as if you had never seen anything like it before. You read who it's from, and a smile crosses your face--you recognize the name. You might already know what's inside, but it does not matter. Some tear it open as fast as they can, others take their time and enjoy every second of it. Once inside, you go through it, every little item once, twice, sometimes three times. It's a very delicate process. You breathe it in and you think of the person who sent it to you. You think of home, family, cars, summer--everything all at once. And for a very short time, you are there away from this SH*T hole. You are grateful. Then you look around and there's always a buddy who is down or having a bad day. You share your box--sometimes just with the one guy, sometimes with everyone--and it's electric. Everyone catches that feeling, and we start talking about home, about things we miss, things we are going to do when we get back, and the heaviness of the day lifts and it's not so bad.

...It's not the "things" that are sent that matter to us, it's the thought. That's the power ALL of you have who take the time to send things. You can change the worst day into the best day, in a split second. - MP in Iraq"Soldiers' Angels/a>
The length of each adoption depends on the branch of service your soldier is in and a number of other factors, but generally averages between six (6) months to twelve (12) months. On occasion, they can be extended, but this is the average. When you adopt you are committing to sending a card or letter each week, and a minimum of 1 or 2 care packages a month. This is one of the most important things that can be done to help bring home a healthy hero; it is so very important for each of them to know they are loved and supported, and your letters and care packages prove just that.

Care packages do not have to be expensive: you can put together your own (we have a detailed list of the most-requested items for you--snacks, hygiene products, and games or magazines).

<a href="">Soldiers' Angels</a>

There are Many Ways to Support our Service Members:

Donate to Soldiers' Angels - If you would like to assist Soldiers' Angels in its troop support activities, please consider a financial donation. Donations of every size help provide aid and comfort to the troops through our many projects and activities. You can also donate stock, old electronics, air miles, care package items and much more. For details got to <a href="">Soldiers' Angels</a>

Join a Soldiers' Angels Team - If you want to dig deep into the Soldiers' Angels mission, we invite you to join one of our many teams. The 30+ teams of Soldiers' Angels specialize in filling specific servicemember and family needs. You can get involved in sending handmade blankets to the wounded, supporting our military chaplains, helping soldiers distribute toys and clothing to children in Iraq and Afghanistan, and much, much more! To find a team that fits your interests, please see the complete list in the center of our homepage at

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Well Hello There

Welcome to my Blog! If you've found your way here you've either received a letter from me via Soldier's Angels or you've met me while I've been out and about.
I started a new blog simply because I wanted to share my many wonderful experiences with Soldier's Angels and I want to share all the wonderful responses I've received as well.
Now a little about me, my name is Leslie.I'm 27, I live in PA with my wonderful husband, our 5 year old little boy and our two year old Black Lab. I joined Soldier's Angels in late 2006 while my husband was serving in the US ARMY. He wasn't deployed at the time and I wanted to find a way to support and do my part. I like to cook, read, hang out with friends and family, movies, music TV, PS2, myspace, anything outdoors and NASCAR.
I hope that by sharing parts of my life on this blog that those far away from home will be able to have a peice of home to carry with them and know that people here at home support them and thier mission.

Love to you all,